Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Cirthmas in my House

Christmas in my family isn't very special.
We are not a cirthmas tree (we lost the tree xD), the suppers are not especially.........
The Truth is that most evenings i met with two of my friends, Javi and Manolo, in Valencia.
But we, of course, met with some members of my family to have some Christmas dinners.
These dinnesr i usually meet with my Mother, Father, my Broher Andy, my Grandparents Antonio, Higinia and Maria and my aunt Pilar.
This Christmas Father Fat Christmas has presented me a Play Station Two game (Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tentaichi 3) and my two Grandmothers have given me 150€ each one.
On 31st i went with Javi and Manolo to Javi's House and there we met Pascual, Francisco, Edu, Maria and Marta.
So late we went to La eliana to the musical center party of 2008.
I arrived to my house at 6 o clock, and in half past 6, i sleep.
In 6th of January, the Magical Kings, no coming more rich to me (but my brother yes ¬¬), they presents to me a Play Station Game (Naruto Ultimate Ninja), a t-shirt of Metallica, a Comics Books of Naruto and Dragon Ball and a Clockwork Orange Original Soundrack Movie.
There are my presentss my t-shirt, my comic-book of Naruto, comic-book of dragoruto ltimate Ninja 2, ClockWork Orange Soundrack. ere are the Electric Guitar of My Brother

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